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A Basic low down on who we are
We are based on the East Coast of South Africa
Gravel204 is a Mountain Bike clothing brand developed by Gravel Industries
We operate very closely with Promobiz, a company specialising in promotional gifts and promotional clothing
The Creation Story
Gravel Industries was started in 2004 by Gareth Sparg. It was created as adventure apparell company. The idea for Gravel Industries was born during travels in Central & Western Africa. Gareth spent a couple of years working the 'Gravel' in the rivers of that area in search of diamonds.
Gravel204's origins give it an edge and make it the most hardcore brand in Africa. It was created in the diamond fields of Western African and, shares some of the characteristics of this precious stone. Diamonds are made from Carbon which forces its way though the centre of the earth to become the sought after gem we all know and love. This is an extremely tough and challenging journey with, through God's grace, a most glamorous end (something we all search for!).
In-house graphics design
We have a creative team that will meet all your design needs. Whether you need custom designs for your event or your company, and even for you, we will blow you away.
Our Partners
During the course of business we have had dealings with outstanding companies that deliver superior services and/or products. Adventure Educators create fun filled days in the sun for your company, school or group team building. Have a look at their website.
We are proud to announce that we will help to sponsor Jolandie Rust's dream of being the first woman to circumnavigate the entire African continent on a bicycle, solo. Find out more and support her on her blog and on facebook page.
Now in stores!
You can also find some of our clothing sold at these fine outlets:
Dura cycles, South Coast:
Powercycles, Umgeni road Durban:
Bobbyscycles, lower South Coast: